martedì, Febbraio 11, 2025

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.

Cinema e Tv

Nuovo programma televisivo sulla magia con Katherine Mills

Katherine Mills

Nuovo programma televisivo “Mind Games” con la mentalista Katherine Mills… che speriamo venga presto trasmesso in Italia!


LONDON: Later this year, UKTV’s Watch is set to premiere Katherine Mills: Mind Games, a new original series led by psychological illusionist Katherine Mills.

Each episode of Katherine Mills: Mind Games will watch as Mills performs acts of mind control on members of the British public. The 4×1-hour program is due to debut on Watch in the fall. It is being co-produced by Objective Productions and Crook Productions.

Hilary Rosen, the commissioning editor for Watch, commented: “Objective Productions has a long-standing relationship with UKTV and makes some of the most innovative entertainment programs on television. We were blown away by Katherine’s talent and her charm; I expect the Watch audience will be too.”

Steve North, the general manager for Watch, stated: “This is a bold and unique program for Watch. Katherine Mills is exceptional; her skills in mentalism combined with her background in psychology and experience in magic make for an exciting new entertainment series.”

Matt Crook, the executive producer, added: “I’m excited to bring the fascinating area of mind illusion to Watch. This has been the hardest but most satisfying show I’ve ever been involved in.”

Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…

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