domenica, Febbraio 9, 2025

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.

English NewsRecensioni

📝 Review Giobbi Card Magic Masterclass 🇬🇧

Roberto Giobbi’s latest work entitled Card Magic Masterclass has just been released by Vanishing Inc. You can obtain it as a set of five DVDs or as download. Each DVD is a thorough study devoted to one of the five basic topics of card magic: Controls, Switches, Palms, Forces and False Shuffles / Cuts.

@vanishingincmagic @roberto_giobbi #giobbi #masterclass #cardmagic #london #exclusive #basel #muttenz #switzerland

I’m a fan of Giobbi’s work, and Card Magic Masterclass, almost nine hours long, is amazing as any product from Giobbi. The author, one of the finest Card Magic Maestros, once again manages to transmit his deep knowledge and passion of Magic.

Roberto Giobbi was one of the first writers I met during my path in studying magic, who immediately gave me material on which to work and then made me understand that Magic is not just a demonstration of skill when doing the “tricks”, but that there’s a lot more to it.

Similar to his Card College, this product shows easy-to-master techniques, no bizarre controls or confusing cardistry, an important and “clean” starting point for studying card technique. All the way through Giobbi’s depth of thought and his profound knowledge of Magic come out prominently: professional techniques are demonstrated and explained in great detail, addressing the beginner and expert alike. For even as an expert who watches this video, the focus shifts not so much on the technique, but on the additional concepts, finesse and information that Maestro Giobbi transmits so effectively and elegantly.

Elegant is also how this DVD was produced: the shots are simple, clean, with few angles and few changes, only Roberto sitting at a table explaining clearly and completely. It almost seems like sitting at a table with him, being able to talk to him, and being fascinated by his knowledge of the subject.

Detailed explanations are often placed into a larger context, giving us a holistic view of not only expert card magic, but magic in general. As an example take his discussion of Dai Vernon’s Multiple Shift, where he analyzes how to logically stage each step and make the whole procedure look natural. These insights become polyvalent tools which can then be applied to any multiple control. And it is precisely in this way that Roberto shifts the focus from technique to theory in a brilliant and engaging way.

The DVDs feature excellent choice of material, filtered by the experience of Giobbi. One of the most interesting topics are the seven phases of a card control, already developed in his book Confidences. So many ideas, many small and powerful subtleties, Roberto finds a motivation and an explanation for any move or movement, everything is justified, making everything more harmonious, effective and “economic”.

Complex topics such as the Classic Force, explained with so many “outs”, are things already covered in the Card College series, but when seen and assimilated on video, the procedures that on paper seemed complex and difficult, suddenly become clear and easy to understand and master.

It is important to point out that also simple techniques are taught, such as the Glide or the Cross Cut Force, but with the Master’s experience and advice they become “plus”, increasing their strength and deceptiveness.

It is a highly recommended product for beginners and experts alike, a true toolbox of techniques and a treasure trove of ideas and subtleties that elevate the “tricks” to the rank of Artistic Card Magic.

DVDs are in English and there are no effects explained, if not some simple examples to illustrate a particular technique.

You can find it on the official website of Roberto Giobbi or on the website of Vanishing Inc.

Follow Roberto Giobbi on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.


Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…


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