giovedì, Settembre 19, 2024

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.

English News

Modern Day Cardini. Peter Pitchford

Peter Pitchford ed il suo fantastico tributo a Cardini.

For a few years now I (Xavior Spade) have heard the name Peter Pitchford. To be honest never really thought much about it as I hear the names of magicians all the time. Then through some friends I began to learn about him and finally met him. Let me first start off by saying he is one of the nicest, most genuine people you will ever meet. Not only that but the level of passion and thought that goes into his work is second to none. To be honest when I first met him I’m pretty sure I offended him with my choice of language as I usually do, if you’re reading this sorry Peter!

But there’s only so many words that can be said. Instead I invite you to watch his video of his act. It’s inspiring and entertaining, touching and classy. This is a full complete act. It has purpose, meaning and leaves you with something. A piece of Peter. I’m gonna leave you to watch his act and enjoy. I’m proud to call Peter a friend. And his act kick serious ass.


peter pitchford

Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…

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