domenica, Febbraio 9, 2025

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.

NotizieSpettacoli ed Eventi

#MOM2020: i primi artisti!

Masters of Magic World Tour 2020 – Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile – Torino – 22/25 OTTOBRE 2020

In questo momento, dove i timori per il virus aumentano, è giusto anche provare a ripartire, nel rispetto delle norme anti-covid.

Questo è quello che vuole fare il congresso Masters of Magic World Tour 2020, adattando il format della prestigiosa convention, alla situazione attuale, come ad esempio aumentare il numero dei dealer show ma riducendo il numero dei partecipanti, oppure mini workshop gratuiti con gli artisti per poter vivere a pieno la gioia di incontrarci finalmente di persona e tante altre idee che permettano, soprattutto quest’anno, di vivere il piacere della magia a tu per tu.

Ad ora, con le regole attualmente vigenti, gli artisti che hanno potuto confermare la propria presenza sono:

Magus Utopia, Jerome Helfenstein, Juzan Sylvain, Anca & Lucca, Laurent Piron, Fay Presto, Mario Lopez, Alberto Giorgi.

Gli altri artisti del cast sono in attesa di conoscere le regole che verranno internazionalmente condivise tra i vari Stati.

Altre informazioni su questa edizione:

Se non sei ancora iscritto, non perdere l’unico grande evento live del 2020, siamo pronti a stupirti e condividere con te straordinarie emozioni!

Per maggiori informazioni mandate una email a 

Masters of Magic World Tour 2020 Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile Torino 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 OCTOBER 2020

Dear friends,

it would have been easier to cancel the Masters of Magic World Tour 2020, but it would not have been right and we, at Masters of Magic preferred not to confuse “easy with right”.

We believe it is correct to organize the Masters of Magic World Tour, out of respect for those who have followed us over the years, because we like to keep the commitments made, because there hasn’t been any big live event this year and it seems important for the Magic to make a mark worldwide of continuity.

Just because we want to give all the Magicians Friends who want to meet live, after months of magic lived in front of a monitor, the opportunity to live an experience that makes them happy, because in the end, this is the greatest gift of magic … help us dream together.

Because we look forward to those days as a special moment of joy and celebration, and never like now, we do need it.

This is why we are very happy to announce that the Masters of Magic World Tour 2020 will be held!

Respecting your preferences and needs, we confirm the dates already indicated 6 months ago: the event will therefore be held from 22 to 25 OCTOBER, in the extraordinary location of the Turin National Automobile Museum!

A particular and unique location that is both a true congress center and one of the most innovative museums in the world. A double and unforgettable experience.


The 2020 edition will certainly be an event dedicated to change and innovation, trying to make the most of the new experience and the spaces available. For example, we are planning a special speed date for Dealers, free mini workshops with artists to be able to fully experience the joy of finally meeting in person and many other ideas that allow, especially this year, to experience the pleasure of magic face to face.


The event will take place in compliance with the rules to fight the spread of Covid-19.

We are meticulously following all the updates of the sanitation measures to guarantee you a great event in perfect Masters of Magic style and in total safety, to make the Masters of Magic World Tour 2020 a safe and enjoyable event for everyone!


For now, with the rules currently in force, the artists who have been able to confirm their presence are:

Magus Utopia, Jerome Helfenstein, Juzan Sylvain, Anca & Lucca, Laurent Piron, Fay Presto, Mario Lopez, Alberto Giorgi.

The other cast artists are waiting to know the rules that will be shared internationally between the various States.

We will keep you updated in real time and the artists who cannot reach us will be replaced: we are working day after day to integrate the cast with the best of the magical panorama, in compliance with the laws.


If you are already registered, all you have to do is confirm your presence and we will reassign the seats in the new audience.

If you are registered and for some reason those dates do not suit you and you prefer to participate in the next edition, let us know and we will send you a voucher corresponding to your registration fee, that you can use for the 2021 edition.

If you are not yet registered … do not miss the only great live event of 2020, we are ready to amaze you and share extraordinary emotions with you …


Booking is easy:

1. Contact our staff at the link:

2. Specify the type of pass you wish to purchase

3. Receive the procedure: our staff will guide you with pleasure in booking






Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…


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