sabato, Febbraio 8, 2025

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.


Furto nel magazzino di Dan Sperry

Brutta situazione per Dan Sperry @dansperry #dansperry @BlackMagicWednesday, celebre illusionista statunitense, durante la #notte del 20 settembre alcuni ladri sono entrati nel suo #magazzino depredandolo e rubando qualsiasi cosa: attrezzi, casse, #merchandise, impianti #audio e luce, insomma tutto, anche il suo #furgone. Dan chiede aiuto nel ritrovare il materiale, ma ha dovuto comunque annullare alcune date del suo #spettacolo. Per riprendersi al più presto ha aperto una raccolta fondi per acquistare nuovo materiale, il sito è

“Hey folks…Sad to report that my warehouse was broken into last night. Tools, props, road cases, merchandise, sound equipment, lighting and more were stolen. As they went through everything they also found the spare key to my van – loaded it up – and stole that as well.

If you’re in Vegas please be on the lookout for a 2001 White Ford F-350 fifteen seater “Church style van” or anything thrown about under bridges…empty lots…or any other typical dumping type areas that may look like a “Dan Sperry prop” and please email pics and locations to

If anybody has ordered merchandise it will take me awhile to get it out to you. Unfortunately also looks like my Black Magic Wednesday show will not be happening until further notice as I’m going to have to rebuild my show from ground up because as they were grabbing and dashing the two road cases I use for BOTH sets of my show are now gone.
The pics only show one part of the warehouse because I don’t want to disclose too much as to location but the other two rooms were turned upside down and ransacked even worse as well.

Please repost this and share it to help spread the word around town – any help is greatly and deeply appreciated.”


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Hey folks…Sad to report that my warehouse was broken into last night. Tools, props, road cases, merchandise, sound equipment, lighting and more were stolen. As they went through everything they also found the spare key to my van – loaded it up – and stole that as well. If you’re in Vegas please be on the lookout for a 2001 White Ford F-350 fifteen seater “Church style van” or anything thrown about under bridges…empty lots…or any other typical dumping type areas that may look like a “Dan Sperry prop” and please email pics and locations to If anybody has ordered merchandise it will take me awhile to get it out to you. Unfortunately also looks like my Black Magic Wednesday show will not be happening until further notice as I’m going to have to rebuild my show from ground up because as they were grabbing and dashing the two road cases I use for BOTH sets of my show are now gone. The pics only show one part of the warehouse because I don’t want to disclose too much as to location but the other two rooms were turned upside down and ransacked even worse as well. Please repost this and share it to help spread the word around town – any help is greatly and deeply appreciated. #vegas #lasvegas #breakin #warehouse

Un post condiviso da Dan Sperry (@dansperry) in data:

Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…


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