sabato, Febbraio 15, 2025

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.


Vanish International Magazine Numero 12

E’ uscito il nuovo numero di Vanish, rivista di magia ed illusionismo in inglese, da scaricare gratuitamente dal sito

Vanish Edition 12 Now Available!

vanishcover12We are pleased to let you know that VANISH Edition 12 is now ready for you to read and download for FREE.

This marks the end of the second year for VANISH MAGAZINE and with well over 100,000 readers we have now firmly established ourselves in the world of magic.

Please share the magazine with all your magic friends and club members as that is what VANISH is all about.

Be sure to join us on Facebook and share it with your friends on there as well.

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In this issue :

Canadian Magician Richard Forget is on the cover and shares his journey and insights in to one of the most sought after variety shows on international TV – Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde

Ben Robinson reviews one of the greatest circus festivals in the world,  The 38th International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo which finished January 26th

Our regular contributors include:

Matthew Fallon with Married In Magic
Keith Fields with a challenge on creativity
Bizzaro on reality magic and the new terrible role models
Timothy Hyde’s Ten Little Secrets – part five is on productivity
Steve Spill ‘spills’ the beans on how Joan Rivers got him laid
Craig Browning discusses trends in mentalism
Jeff McBride gives us 10 things to enhance our acts immediately
Lawrence Hass talks about teachers, critics, spoilers and spiders
Questions with Wayne Houchin
Cris Johnson continues his Success Series and talked about multiple methods, same effect …
Nick Lewin writes an article every magician NEEDS to read – learn to do consciously what you used to do unconsciously
Charles Bach discusses the evolution of our magic.
Peter Mennie shares the importance of having a rider for your show
Tony Chris continues his kids column
The Brick and Mortar shop this issue is Stevens Magic Emporium by Nickel Van Wormer
Leif David talks about the importance of mastering the one year follow-up with clients
Greece is the Word by Lee Alex

TRICKS AND ROUTINES – from close-up to stage to mentalism – learn from the best

Gwyn Auger interviews Paige Thompson in The Magic Assistant column

REVIEWS – almost THIRTY products are reviewed – the very latest books, DVDs, apps and tricks – VANISH gets the first reviews out before any other magazine.

Click here to download the PDF

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Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…


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