sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.

Didattica e StoriaStoria

Magicol, the Magic of Italy


Il numero 190 della rivista Magicol, rivista statunitense che si occupa di Storia della Magia e collezionismo di oggetti ad essa collegati, e’ tutto dedicato all’Italia.

In the past we have dedicated issues to magic and collectibles in Chicago (No. 176), London (No. 178), Australia (No. 182) and Argentina (No. 186). We now turn our attention to Italy. With the immense help of Mauro Massironi, we have assembled a series of articles describing Italian magic collectibles, authors and performers.

Mauro Massironi ha aiutato a raccogliere il materiale da pubblicare.

William Kalush gives us a peek at some of his favourite Italian collectibles including rare manuscripts, a commemorative token and an early book test. As he points out, Italy was a very productive centre for magic around the sixteenth century and a large amount of our modern magic can be traced back to material published during that period.

William Kalush del Conjuring Arts Research Center mostra alcuni suoi pezzi da collezione, indicando che il sedicesimo secolo e’ stato un periodo molto fertile per la magia italiana e mondiale, molto materiale presente nella Magia Moderna puo’ essere ricondotta a questo periodo.

Pietro Micheli investigates the life of the famous magician Pinetti. Some readers will recognize Pinetti from his mention in Robert-Houdin’s Memoirs. In the same vein as Houdini, he was a prolific self-promoter and, as you will read, he also had a knack for getting himself into trouble!

Pietro Micheli investiga su Giuseppe Pinetti.

Mauro Massironi has conducted new research on Frizzo. This Italian performer is nearly forgotten today, but is said to have been comparable to Bosco, Robert-Houdin and Compars Herrmann as a performer. In this article, Massironi also sets the record straight about several misconceptions about Frizzo which come from earlier attempts at a biography.

Mauro Massironi ha condotto nuove ricerche su Frizzo, grandissimo personaggio ma quasi dimenticato oggi.

Arguably the most famous Italian magician of the twentieth century is Chefalo. Marco Pusterla profiles this Italian-born prolific stage performer who emigrated to the United States and toured the world through the days of Vaudeville and the Second World War.

Marco Pusterla racconta di Chefalo, forse il più famoso prestigiatore italiano del ventesimo secolo.

Gregorio Samà remembers Father Salvatore Cimò, whom one Italian publication referred to affectionately as the “Tarbell of Italian magic literature.” A Jesuit priest, Cimò published books containing hundreds, if not thousands, of tricks at a time when there were only a handful of titles in Italian.

Gregorio Samà ricorda il prete gesuita Salvatore Cimò.

Looking forward to more modern times, after the decline of Fascism in Italy, a group of dedicated close-up performers began importing foreign magic sources and developing their own style of close-up magic. This collaboration between Mauro Massironi, Tony Binarelli, Claudio Pizzuti and Diego Spinelli recounts the formation of an intimate group known as the “Roman Circle” in the 1960s and 70s.

Massironi racconta del gruppo di prestigiatori romani che nel dopoguerra hanno fatto rinascere la magia in Italia

Finally, historian Andrea Boccia extends an invitation to all of our readers to visit his “Museum of Great Dreamers” near Saint Peter’s in Rome.

Andrea Boccia di “Tra Palco e Realtà” ci invita a visitare a Roma il “Museo dei Grandi Sognatori”.

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Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…

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