Daryl (1955 – 2017)
Nel mondo della Magia ha fatto molto scalpore il suicidio di Daryl… Personalmente trovo difficile parlarne, l’ho sempre sentito come un Maestro “reale” anche se l’ho sempre e solo visto in video.
Ho preferito dunque aspettare che la situazione del decesso fosse un po’ più chiara.
Daryl Easton (August 13, 1955 – February 24, 2017), known professionally as Daryl and born Daryl Martinez, was an American magician based in Las Vegas. In his marketing he used the self-proclaimed title of “The Magician’s Magician”. Daryl usually went by his forename only.
Ho scambiato qualche email quando ho acquistato prodotti direttamente da lui (dopo anni di pirateria!), solo di carattere commerciale, ma era comunque anche questo stranamente emozionante.
Sul sui suicidio si sono dette tante falsità, sul sito “The Magic Word” di Scott Wells viene riportata una dichiarazione della moglie, dove vengono spiegati i fatti e non illustrate assurdità, solo un brutto caso di depressione, nulla di morboso o scabroso.
Sapete tutti come funziona la previdenza americana, quindi se volete essere vicini alla famiglia e volete dare una mano, la moglie Alison ha riaperto il sito dove vengono venduti i suoi prodotti. Visitate www.Daryl.net.
FEBRUARY 28, 2017 from Jerry Ferguson:
“I spoke with Alison, Daryl’s wife, for a long time on the phone today.
“She explained that Daryl had been suffering from clinical depression for years. He had been taking medication for his condition for a very long time. She explained that people in show business are often very fragile people. Growing up Daryl had been badly physically abused by his mother. Not sexually, but she would often hit him. His escape was the world of magic, reading books, learning magic, performing and getting love, respect and appreciation from an audience that he loved. He loved to make his audience feel good by entertaining them.
“Alison was an illusionist working on Norwegian cruise lines and theater venues in Japan when she met Daryl in 1996 at one of his lectures. They got together and in 1998 they were married. They had two beautiful daughters and Alison said that Daryl was a very caring generous loving father. They had a wonderful normal loving family being together for 20 years. They both loved each other and with the children were committed to each other forever.
“Alison said that some of the internet sensational fake news stories and blogs are hurtful and not true. Simply a way to sell ads.
“She said that because of legal issues the coroners will normally rule suicides as accidents unless there is absolute proof and absolute certainty in order to protect themselves from legal issues involving insurance companies etc.. Daryl loved the Magic Castle where he had spent so much time learning from Dai Vernon and other great master magicians. It was like home for him. A place he loved. A place he felt safe. Those who saw him friday said he was peaceful and serene as he quietly visited every room. Fond memories of the happy years he spent there. He went to the dressing room area in the parlor. He was fully clothed. He had placed a bag over his head so that the people finding his body at the Castle, out of respect for them, would not have to see or remember seeing a gruesome dead face. He had placed certain items, and papers, in his coat pockets that have meaning to Alison. So Daryl had decided to end his long bout with depression on his own terms at a place that he loved. His body was found hanging fully clothed with a bag over his head in the parlor dressing area behind the curtain of the parlor. His body will be sent home to be cremated. There will be a memorial service at the Magic Castle some time in the future.
“Daryl had no life insurance. Alison and Daryl’s relationship was fine. He had planned to spend one day at home after the Phoenix lecture before leaving on a 30 city lecture tour in Spain.
“Alison and the kids are now faced with funeral expenses. Alison like Daryl works from home. So this is a real good time to stock up on Daryl magic supplies which would help Alison and the kids pay for the funeral expenses. Daryl’s web site is fully operational and all orders will be promptly filled. His web site is: ” www.Daryl.net
Fonte https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/bob-kohler
Ciao Daryl, per noi sarai sempre un Maestro, il Mago dei Maghi.

io ho avuto la fortuna di conoscerlo di persona al coin magic symposium di Milano. Persona simpaticissima e disponibilissima. Io non ero e non sono nessuno, Lui un mago affermato ma questa differenza non me l’ha fatta sentire. Dispiace ma era veramente una brava persona.