martedì, Febbraio 11, 2025

Webzine di Illusionismo, Magia, Prestigiazione, Prestidigitazione e Prestigiribirizzazione.

English NewsSpettacoli ed Eventi

22-25/8/2019, Wien AT, 8th European Magic History Conference 🗓 🗺

2019 the European Magic History Conference will take place in the wonderful City of Culture, Music and Magic: VIENNA / Austria.

• 15 Lectures
• International Magic Galashow
• Unusual Events, only Vienna can offer
• Special Excursions (Museum, National Library)
• Special Programm for partners
• More to announce soon
• Special Information about rooms available
• Limited places

Dear friends of Magic History,

Concerning our European Magic History Conference next year in August 2019 I would like to inform you that we are ready now to give you more information.

The event will take place in the Hotel Stefanie, we call the “Magic Hotel” as we have there around 15 Dinner Magic Performances every year regularly for 27 years. It is the oldest hotel in Vienna. Its history is more than 400(!) years old. But the standard is from today of course!

Read more here:

The Hotel is also the main hotel to stay and there are other facilities around. It is well connected with the transportation system and Bus service to the Airport nearby. It is near the center of Vienna by a short 10 min. walk and well experienced with magic and magicians.

Conference Hotel:

Hotel Stefanie: Taborstraße 12, 1020 Vienna,



Single room: € 92, -, Double: € 148, – (breakfast included)

Hotels nearby:

Hotel City Central: Taborstraße 8, 1020 Vienna

Single room: € 81, -, Double: € 128, (breakfast included)

Hotel Capricorno, Schwedenplatz 3-4, 1010 Vienna

Single room: € 108, -, Double: € 148, (breakfast included)

Hotel booking directly:

Please book at hotel Stefanie or in the other Schick-Hotels soon as possible There are special hotel prices for the conventioneers. Please refer to the European Magic History Conference or the name Magic Christian.

In case you need help don’t hesitate to contact Jenifer Nemeth (Nemeth, Jeniffer


There will be many interesting speeches, a reception in the City Hall, excursion, free Coffee breaks, a dinner, ladies’ program, and many other events to be announced in the near future. Whoever was in Vienna 2009 knows already that it will be a special conference.

Until the next time magical regards

Magic Christian

For more information contact directly Magic Christian

from to
Scheduled English News Spettacoli ed Eventi
Vienna, Wien, 1010, Austria Map

Andrea Clemente Pancotti

Principalmente sono io Andrea Clemente Pancotti: infanzia rovinata dai fascicoli di “STUPIRE!” di Carlo “Mago Fax” Faggi. Abbandona l’Arte per poi riscoprirla alla soglia degli ‘anta.“. Ora il team si e’ allargato, siamo comunque un gruppo di amatori, seriamente innamorati della Magia…


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