Su Netflix e RedBullTV “The Road Trick” con Adam Trent

L’illusionista Adam Trent usa la Magia come ponte tra le culture mentre attraversa l’Europa, entrando in contatto con la gente del posto e cercando esperienze uniche.

THE ROAD TRICK on Red Bull TV. In this new series, Adam Trent travels across Europe and North Africa, where he uses magic as a way to meet the residents: partying with a boat regatta in Budapest, performing tricks in a Vienna opera house, tripping across rooftops and venturing into illegal catacombs in Paris, and communing with a shaman — who introduces him to a magic more ancient and exotic than his own — in Morocco.

In inglese lo si può vedere gratuitamente sul RedBull Tv:

Mentre in Italiano lo potete vedere se siete abbonati a Netflix:

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